Stanthorpe’s talent on show at Little Theatre pantomime

Stanthorpe Little Theatre members are rehearsing a pantomime for children, starring local, talented young actors.
The pantomime is called “Hook’s Revenge”.
In this story of the old favourite of “Peter Pan”, Captain Hook “rules”!
Along the way he is ably assisted by his scurvy crew.
However, he underestimates the cunning of the crocodile who is helped by a couple of renegade ships, rats, and of course Peter Pan and The Darling Family.
Throw a few Indians into the mix and you have a pantomime in the best tradition!
It will be performed on July 25 to July 30 from 1.15pm to 2.30pm.
For bookings, contact Judy Flitcroft on (07) 4683 2580.