Popular Breastfeeding classes come to Stanthorpe

Expectant parents in the Granite Belt region can now enrol to attend the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) Breastfeeding Education Class to be held in Stanthorpe on Saturday.
The classes are being hosted by the Tenterfield-Granite Belt Group of the Australian Breastfeeding Association.
Breastfeeding, while natural, is a learned skill for both mother and baby. Parents who are prepared with up-to-date information about breastfeeding are more likely to overcome any difficulties that they may experience.
They are also more likely to enjoy the breastfeeding relationship with their baby and have more confidence in their ability to breastfeed successfully.
These classes help to prepare parents to confidently and successfully breastfeed.
“Lots of new mums tell us they wish they’d learnt more about breastfeeding before their baby was born,” local breastfeeding counsellor Michelle McCarthy said.
“Breastfeeding looks very natural and easy, but it is a learned art and parents really benefit from a few pointers before they start,” she said.
Classes are designed for expectant parents to prepare for the vital days, weeks and months after a baby’s birth.
Presented by trained breastfeeding counsellors or educators, attendees will gain up-to-date information and insights into breastfeeding a baby and parenting in the early days.
Attending a Breastfeeding Education Class complements and expands on any knowledge gained at antenatal classes.
Breastfeeding Education Classes include how breastfeeding works; establishing breastfeeding and the first feed; importance of skin-to-skin contact in the first hours and beyond; positioning and attachment (how to hold and attach baby to the breast); understanding milk supply; discussion of what is ‘normal’ for a breastfed baby and how to prevent problems; role of partners in breastfeeding; adjusting to parenthood – survival tips for the early days and weeks with a new baby and common concerns and problem solving.
For an investment of $85 (or $70 concession), expectant parents can attend the class, receive membership to the Australian Breastfeeding Association (including the book ‘Breastfeeding…naturally’, valued at $34.95) and be much more likely to have a successful breastfeeding relationship with their child.
The class will be held on Saturday from 10am to 3pm at the Community Health Building, Stanthorpe Hospital, McGregor Terrace, Stanthorpe.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association would like to thank Pink Poppies for their donation towards parent packs for attendees.
To RSVP contact Michelle on (07) 4681 1101.