Film screening to explore the impacts of mining

The Southern Downs Protection Group is excited to announce a screening of Bimblebox at 7pm, Wednesday, July 11 at the Jackie Howe Motel, corner of Palmerin and Victoria Streets, Warwick.
The film is named after Bimblebox Nature Refuge, an 8000 hectare nature refuge in central west Queensland, which is threatened by a massive new coal development proposed by Waratah Coal.
This important new film is aimed at drawing international attention to the issues surrounding the huge expansion of coal and coal seam gas mining in Australia, particularly the expansions planned in Queensland and New South Wales.
While clearly exposing the destructiveness of this industry, the film also features solutions and viable alternatives for the future.
The stories from people whose communities and their natural values have been either totally undermined or are under threat from coal mining activities puts a ‘real face’ to this issue.
As the world’s largest exporter of coal, Australia has a responsibility to contribute to a sustainable future for our nation, our children, and the planet. Bimblebox projects a convincing argument for doing things better, and smarter.
“We are excited at having this opportunity to screen this important film in Warwick,” Southern Downs Protection Group president Dawn Health said.
“Tickets for the screening are only $10, with proceeds to be divided between Bimblebox, to assist in their ongoing fight to protect this important nature refuge and Southern Downs Protection Group, to enable us to continue to hold awareness-raising events in the district,” she said.
The group will be arranging a Skype call to Paola Cassoni, one of the owners of Bimblebox Nature Refuge, so audience members can ask questions after the screening.
Further information on the Southern Downs Protection Group’s screening of Bimblebox can be found at or by phoning 0459 133 132.