Premier’s Anzac Prize entries open

Premier Campbell Newman and Education Minister John-Paul Langbroek have announced that the Premier’s Anzac Prize competition for Queensland high school students is now open.
Mr Newman said the Government would spend $1 million during the next three years to send 50 students to Anzac Cove in Gallipoli and the Western Front.
“We believe it is vital that our students, the first generation of school children to grow up without a surviving Anzac, keep the Anzac spirit and traditions alive,” Mr Newman said.
“We want as many students as possible to enter this competition so they can learn from the examples set by our veterans all those years ago,” he said. “This is about providing opportunities for Queensland students to have the best education experience possible.”
Education Minister John-Paul Langbroek said high school students from around the State were invited to develop a multimedia presentation addressing three key themes.
“The themes are: how the Anzac tradition has shaped our nation; why this tradition is still important; and how generations will continue to keep the tradition alive,” Mr Langbroek said.
“In 2013 and again in 2014, a group of five young adults will be selected to attend Anzac ceremonies at Gallipoli and across the Western Front,” he said.
“This program will culminate in a major delegation of 40 Queensland high school students attending the centenary commemoration at Anzac Cove in 2015.”
Applications are now open and will close at the end of Term 3 (September 21). Winners will be announced before the end of the school year (December 14).
For more information on how to enter The Premier’s Anzac Prize, visit the Department of Education, Training and Employment website at or phone (07) 3235 4942.