AgForce conference – your chance to shape your future

A change in State Government and subsequent review of key policy areas including land tenure and vegetation management has made this year’s AgForce State Conference a key opportunity for landholders and primary producers to have their say on the future of the rural industry.
AgForce general president Brent Finlay said this year’s event was particularly important given many areas of great importance to the way agriculture is run in this state were being investigated by Government.
“Policy areas including vegetation management, leasehold rents and land tenure all have an enormous bearing on the way our primary producers conduct their businesses,” Mr Finlay said.
“For this reason it is imperative as many primary producers and landholders as possible take the opportunity at the 2012 AgForce State Conference to have their say on these key issues.
“This feedback can then be taken by AgForce to the appropriate Ministers and become part of the review process.
“It is not often these types of issues are reviewed by Government so we must take this opportunity while it is there.”
Other important sessions to be staged at the conference include foreign investment, national commodity representation, wild dogs, supermarket duopolies and attracting people to agriculture.
Mr Finlay said keynote speakers would address many of these areas, with time set aside for additional discussion.
Key speakers will include Keith Suter, social commentator; Peter Thompson, 2011 Queensland Grain Grower of the Year; Keith De Lacey; Conor English, New Zealand Farmers Federation; Mick Keogh, Australian Farm Institute and key national commodity representatives.
For further information, go to > Events and initiatives > AgForce Conference or call (07) 3236 3100.