Learn the basics of Canoe Polo

Following a recent spate of enquiries about the upcoming Canoe Polo competition, the Warwick Indoor Recreation and Aquatic Centre (WIRAC) has decided that some training days are required prior to the start of the competition.
“Canoe Polo is a new sport at WIRAC and there are quite a lot of skills to master before we can start the game itself,” explained Don Warrener, WIRAC Centre Manager.
“The training days will give people an opportunity to see what Canoe Polo is all about and give it a go,” he said.
Training days will be held at WIRAC on Sunday 7 October and Sunday 14 October from 9am to 12pm.  To participate you must be over 10 years old and a confident swimmer.  The cost for each day is only $5. For more information please contact WIRAC on 4661 7955.