Funds for young scientists

Young scientists working within primary industries are being called on to apply for funding of up to $22,000 to further their research.
Details of the 2013 Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry have just been released.
The awards, supported by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and other rural industry partners, provide assistance to 18 to 35-year-olds to fund projects on an innovative or emerging scientific issue to benefit Australia’s primary industries.
The awards encourage science, innovation and technology in rural industries and help advance the careers of young scientists through national recognition of research and ideas.
There are 12 award categories for 2013: grains, cotton, dairy, fisheries and aquaculture, viticulture and oenology, animal welfare, red meat processing, pork, new and emerging rural industries, meat and livestock, sugar and horticulture.
An additional award for one outstanding project – the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s Award – will provide an extra $33,000 to one recipient of the industry awards to extend their project.
Applications close 5pm AEDT on Friday, November 23. Details are available at