Travel author drops in



RENOWNED travel author Maggie Counihan will speak about her many adventures during a visit to the Warwick Library tomorrow, Friday, 3 May.
Ms Counihan will discuss her latest book ‘Bring on the Birthdays: Ageing with Adventures’ as well as reflecting on her previous first book ‘Backpacking to Freedom: Solo at Sixty’.
Her latest book was described as a continuation of her adventures, though this time they are shared with her partner Rollo whom she met in Buderim at the end of her solo travels.
“Apart from stories on travel and adventure the book includes practical views on relationships, happiness, living without stress, and health,” she said.
“This is a book of hope and the spreading joy in a fast-changing world.”
Ms Counihan will be speaking from 10.30am in the library meeting room, and morning tea will be provided.
If you would like to attend, RSVP the Warwick Library on 4661 0342 by today, 2 May.