Insulting remarks

Tony, Tony, Tony (Abbott) What is happening to you? It seems as if your brain is not connected in any way with your tongue!

As a Korean Veteran I think your remarks were repugnant and insulting to our fallen in Afghanistan (and also to all of our fallen servicemen in the past conflicts).

Your stooges once again are padding the polls in regard to your remarks and your spin doctors are working overtime to rectify your stuff up.

I was always under the impression that you were an educated man and a lawyer.

Why did you have to revert to the gutter to use the word s… in a context that was totally inappropriate in the circumstances?

Are you really a stooge of the Labor Party in disguise, given the statements you have made recently and over the years?

When you make a statement, try to be a man and face the truth (you would be thought more of) for, once you have uttered words, they are no longer your property.