NAN rollout

The fibre cables for the NBN have hardly begun to be laid when out comes the announcement from Telstra that they are feverishly working towards a wireless broadband network that will be popular with computer users and may well make much of the NBN obsolete.

The final cost of the NBN is anyone’s guess. The Gillard regime has allocated $42 billion for the project but we know that cost overruns are a fact of life when government is involved in any business. At a time when we are in dire straits from natural disasters in various parts of Australia, a good hard think of the NBN should be Julia’s first priority.

Instead, she wants to introduce a new tax to fund the re-construction after the recent devastations. If Australians would forsake their apathy, the politicians would have to listen to their concerns as are the governments of Tunisia, Egypt and other Mid-Eastern countries.

Jay Nauss,

Glen Aplin