Warwick concerns ignored by State Government

I write in regards to the article entitled “Grave Concerns For Great Grandchildren” that was published on the 17.2.2011 issue of the Southern Free Times.
The State Government is clearly ignoring the concerns expressed by the Warwick people, because we are not a marginal electorate.
We are just a town of 12,000 people.
If we were a suburb in Brisbane or the Gold Coast, the State Labor Government would be bending over backwards to buy the Slade Campus and incorporate it into the Warwick State High School.
Warwick locals have every right to feel disgusted at the Labor Government for putting political concerns ahead of what needs to be done.
Warwick has a growing population with hundreds each year moving here from down south and from urban areas.
As Ron Farrell pointed out in his article, “What’s going to happen in the future”?
Both the State and Federal Governments should spend the people’s money on what the people want.
Stop wasting the people’s money on projects like the NBN or on flying illegal immigrants to funerals.

Peter Watson,