We have a right to know

As this Prime Minister, or any other previously, or in the future, is supposed to be our employee, to govern, along with others, placed there by us, to act in our name, then as their employer we have a RIGHT to know what is being done in our collective names.
Secrets, with very few exceptions, are kept because either corrupt activities or immoral and illegal acts have taken place. Julian Assange is only exposing the actions that have been done without our knowledge or approval.  If these exposures had happened before Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, it is likely we would never have entered these costly, both financially, and in human lives, wars.
Every Prime Minister I have ever known has stated they will embrace “Transparency” when in government whilst, once in power, being, at least, very opaque, more often very murky.
Democracy, theoretically, is to be governed by the Parliamentarians for the benefit of the people.  In practice it is usually Parliamentarians governing for the benefit of themselves, whilst maintaining protection under a multitude of “Secrecy” provisos for their misdemeanours.
Tom Edgar,
Glen Aplin