What hope is there for our apple growers?

PM Gillard, when addressing the New Zealand Parliament, said that she was leaving it to the umpire to decide if New Zealand apples were going to be allowed into Australia. The umpire she referred to is the World Trade Organisation. Like many other aspects of world politics we know little about the WTO. No doubt it has some connection to the UN and the emerging World Government that has been engineered, bit by bit, for some generations.
Australian apple growers have been fighting the import of NZ apples for years because of the threat of fire blight, which infest NZ apples.
However, when the Australian Prime Minister has so little concern that she is prepared to leave the decision to some international organisation, what hope is there for our apple growers?
And where are the “brave” politicians who should be standing on the side of the Australian apple producers?
We can boycott NZ apples when they are on the supermarket shelves but do you know that Chinese apples are already being bought by the NSW Government and are being consumed by prisoners and hospital patients? Perhaps they will eventually come in via NZ and we won’t know one apple from another.
Unless we get out of the UN and rescind all the sticky treaties that we have signed since 1945 our sovereignty (what little there is left) will be no more.
Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin