When will the axe fall?

The recent floods in Queensland (later NSW and Vic) had very few upsides!
One identifiable one was the diversion of the attention of the press and media, just as they were getting into full cry from the shooting of the Congresswoman in the USA, with death and injury to others; likening it to the Port Arthur deaths.
There were similarities! Both perpetrators were mentally disturbed young men, known to be so by their few friends, and the police. As in Australia, the police were unable to take any action under existing laws, a failure of the legislators, not the police who were placed in the situation of waiting for the axe to fall.
Before the US considers enacting the same, or similar draconian laws to that perpetrated on law abiding Australian gun (rifle and pistol) owners, in a breath-taking act of political expediency by John Howard (who recently extolled it as his greatest political achievement), supported by a weak kneed “me too” from then opposition leader Kim Beasley, they ought to consider Australian outcomes.
Hundreds of thousands of treasured firearms (many family heirlooms) were destroyed and we citizens made the villains, at our expense.
Where is the final cost of Mr Howard’s Levy to achieve this senseless destruction (was it ever terminated?) and what is the continuing cost of administering the office set up to police adherence?
To what end; even the most basic look at statistics, and the press, makes it clear that there are now more illegal guns and weapons on the streets, more gangs, much better armed, more offences of every kind as the recent spate of drive by shootings will attest.
At least with now having their own import and distribution businesses, the villains now longer are obliged to take or steal weapons from the police or services!
Probably the most law abiding country in the world is Switzerland.
Every household with an able bodied male has a military style rifle and pistol, maintained by a citizen trained in their use during compulsory national service.
The incentive to commit burglary, home invasion, rape, murder, etc seems strangely to diminish with the possibility of getting one’s butt shot off!
James Telford