Justice Examination Order

For some three and a half years, this victim of the most carelessly drafted law quaintly named a Justice Examination Order, sought answers. From the Brisbane Magistrate Judge J P  Irwin on June 13, 2008, to Magistrate Thacker to Queensland Health, the so-called information Commissioner, the Attorney General, the Premier, Ministers of the Government and to at least a dozen auspicious and highly paid important people who could not or would not, produce the final four documents that, when they finally fell into my hands, explained it all. The local media voices were ignored, Channel 7 Today Tonight program spent three hours with me to try to show the horror story that less able victims than I would have endured, having been selected as a candidate for this totally merciless secret removal from one’s home for weeks of unspecified treatment.
The applicant who, in showing great courage to keep invisible, had made sure his application had a note attached to warn FOI decision makers that the victim might be inclined to a FOI request to be sure therefore, in heeding the warning note, to avoid revealing his identity, as a matter of great importance. This victim is alone in breaking the code of silence. This victim of these disgraceful laws in demanding all medical records pertaining to a false accusation by people concerning one’s health, and if the Queensland Government remains stubbornly refusing to remove the false data from one’s records, that the records are clearly stamped with invalid. Although I have applied and failed to have the false data removed to date, I have had notation documents attached to them. The Queensland Government do not admit that, since I have broken the code of silence, precedence has been set. This letter is to inform victims that the door should now be wide open to claims from the thousands of victims of these disgraceful Justice Examination Laws.
Melba Morris,