Slade should be preserved for public use

I would like to see Slade preserved for public use and will gladly offer a donation to help purchase the property for future generations to enjoy. Too many times have grand old properties and beautiful buildings been bulldozed. Growing up around Sydney, I spent many Sunday afternoon family outings visiting historic houses. Then as an adult became a Sydney “Tour Guide” escorting Australian and international visitors to places like Vacluse House, Parramatta House and The Rocks.
History exists at Slade. The stories buildings tell are important for the next generations to learn; and to be able to learn in these buildings is a wonderful opportunity. Modern traditional school may not be easily taught in these old rooms but the community has many other requirements for space and learning.
The grounds, the hall, the dorms and the dining rooms all have commercial potential to be used for weddings, garden shows, functions, camps, conferences/meetings, theatre, music and art shows. I urge everyone to join with Slade Lives Again – Development for Everyone.

Michelle Michelin-Law,