Poor attendance at cinema

Whatever the reason was for the poor attendance at the Tenterfield Cinema last year, it would be difficult to lay blame on poor film choice, as suggested by Tenterfield Shire Councillors.
Since 2005 I, along with my friend, have attended the cinema every Friday night and sometimes Saturday night to view the film on offer, with the exception of ill health or family matters intervening.
During this time we have had exposure to many wonderful and, at times, challenging films and can honestly say that we always enjoyed our night’s entertainment.
The suggestion that films are weighted towards youth is a load of rubbish and anyone who cares to analyse the programs will notice that there is generally something for everyone. We are often amazed that people do not attend really good movies that have received good reviews.
There are very few good value, affordable entertainment options in Tenterfield and an evening at the Tenterfield Cinema is well worth the effort.
Finally, it’s disconcerting to see criticism coming from councillors about movie choice, as I struggle to recall seeing any councillors attending the cinema, certainly not on a Friday night.
Lynne Dearden