New administration

It was predicted that O’Farrell would be the next Premier of NSW but no one could have predicted the avalanche against the ALP. The new administration may have control of the Upper House if the Premier can make deals with its conservative members.
The new Premier has said that he will confront the Gillard regime over the carbon tax. This should please many of those who supported him at the polls. But we wonder if he will support the farmers and amend legislation which has taken away their property rights by the insidious Vegetation Management Act.
O’Farrell has said that he will govern for all the people of NSW. We hope that trying to be all things to all people won’t preclude his willingness to make the hard decisions which need to be made to get NSW back on track and become a better place to live for all the people of NSW.
Whatever happens, we are stuck with the coalition government for the next four years. The new administration has to keep in mind that the fickleness of the electorate can just as easily turn against the LNP as it forsook the ALP.

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin