Slade Campus a place for everyone

I appreciate that the Slade Campus has been held until such a time that people from within the community can see their way forward to relieving the council of the responsibility of holding and caring for Slade Campus.  It has really been the idea of “3000 people putting in $1000 each to reach the figure of $3,000,000” that has given us the idea that this is achievable. Already, many people have demonstrated they are willing to do this to see that this special place is retained as a community precinct.
It is my sincere wish that this atmospheric property, within close range of the city CBD, be kept within community hands and for the use of our community and members of the entire Southern Downs region. It is already much appreciated by those who know it, those who use it and its accessibility has demonstrated the huge need of a place like this here in Warwick. Ever since I have taken an interest in what happens to Slade, in talking to people, they are excited by the prospect of its availability and three members of prospective groups, in a couple of weeks, have made known to me, alone, that they are interested in using a space there. It makes sense to consolidate community interests in one place and a beautiful place at that. What better use than to make such an attractive asset accessible to everyone? Interest groups situated together give the possibility of much greater social interactions, building relationships and therefore strengthening our community and giving us each the opportunity to extend ourselves.
Our Warwick community and each member of our entire Southern Downs region are in the unique position of having such an asset in hand. There is huge need of a cultural and arts centre and Slade Campus provides us with not only the facilities for the community’s interest groups but it also gives us the opportunity to extend ourselves to become part of the development of the entire precinct. People like to feel that they have some ownership of what happens within their town. We like to feel we are considered seriously, heard and our voices sought. It is not all about the bottom line. Surely, if we set the vision of what is wanted and needed, then it is possible to work towards it and the rest will take care of itself as we proceed.
I hope that our councillors will consider our human needs above and beyond anything else.

Sue Propsting,