Where has freedom gone?

Has the world gone totally mad? Is our council totally out of control? Is money the only God this council serves? How can we, the people who elect the council rectify our current situation? I am guilty of voting for some members of the council thinking that to get some younger people into the council would be an advantage. Only to my horror, find the present council making life harder for the average citizens of this town, with constant rises in fees and charges and more and more rules and regulations we have to abide by. When are they going to impose a permit for us to blow our noses in public?
Shame on you council for implementing a permit to hold a charity market. The optimum word being CHARITY.
Isn’t it up to the landowner and the organisers to decide what they will hold on their land?  But then I forgot that we don’t really own the land we worked all our lives to pay for, the council reckons it does!
Looking to earn a small amount of money to get myself out of debt due to medical costs, I decided as I had been making cakes for our local social club afternoon tea for the past seven years, I would make some cakes and fudge and sell at a local market. Use what gifts God gave me.
On contacting the council this week I learn that I will have to put in an application form with $225 attached, plus $160 for the annual fee, also do a one-day course at the local TAFE (didn’t bother costing that) plus $250 for insurance, then there is $200 for packaging, plus ingredients, site fee, fuel etc.
So to earn ‘a few dollars’ I will need to outlay $1000+. How many cakes will I have to make to earn that back?
No wonder the small market is a thing of the past. The world has gone mad! Where has freedom and free enterprise gone?

Leonie Miller,