Climate change is with us! But why tax carbon?

Well,  I am not one to argue about climate change (tongue in cheek LOL). Climate is what we expect, and weather is what we get. We have entered Autumn, our climate is changing naturally. What I argue against is all the billions spent across the globe, instigated by the UN’s IPCC, Al Gore and carbon traders, to prove climate change is caused by humans alone. WOT A CON!
The glaciers are not melting.  The sea levels are not rising.  The planet is cooling, not heating up.
So why tax an inert gas CO2?
During the last NSW election, I met an extreme and ardent Greens’ supporter, quite young I admit.  “Well, what is the composition of the air we breathe?”, I asked. “The CO2 is growing bigger because of the burning of fossil fuels?” he replied. (Bob Brown told him?). “Come on,” I asked, “What is the composition of the air we breathe?”  “75 per cent CO2,” he replied.WHAT! “If that was so, we’d all be dead!” I replied. “For your information, son, 78 per cent is Nitrogen, 21 per cent is Oxygen, and the rest is CO2, with traces of Methane and Nitrous Oxide.”
“What is the composition of Greenhouse gases?” I then asked.  “You tell me!” he angrily retorted.
“Well, for your information, son, 95 per cent is water vapour (clouds and humidity), four per cent approximately is CO2 and one per cent is Methane and Nitrous Oxide.
“And three per cent-plus of CO2 is naturally produced. OK, humans enhance these trace gases, but so little it is not worth complaining about.”
If Prof Gonadless, had his way, we should forbid farming methane producing beef and sheep, and eat kangaroo.
Come off it, Professor! Who’s paying you to suggest this?  Didn’t you know, kangaroos aren’t domesticated. And taste horrible, although my dogs don’t object!

Pat Lightfoot