What a hero!

It is good that we remembered in recent days the forgotten heroes of the Korean War and the decisive Battle of Pyongyang.  And hopefully we will finally show more honour and respect to the heroes who fought in Vietnam and were so shamefully ignored by their country when they came home.
There is one hero whose sacrifice has been almost totally ignored by the electronic media over the Easter weekend, or who, if he has rated a mention, has had a miniscule reference far down in the news broadcasts.  This hero did not die for one group of people, but for people of all times so that they could be forgiven by God.  And if that were not enough to earn our gratitude He rose again the Third Day, Easter Day, to demonstrate His power over death and His promise of eternal life.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, to the end that all that believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16) This is what Our Lord gave us at Easter.
What a hero! What a promise!

Rowan Shann,