Queensland flood enquiry

The Queensland flood enquiry has been hearing testimony regarding the devastating floods that ravaged the State in January and the subsequent loss of life that occurred at that time.
The stories emerging regarding the administration of the State Emergency Service are nothing short of appalling. There were instances when SES members were told not to help victims because it might be too dangerous to do so, and when some members defied the orders, they were later told to get out of the SES. I thought that the SES was there to help in times of need.
Like so many things that the State involves itself in, it has become top heavy and bureaucratic. What therefore are those to do who want to help their fellow man? The rural fire brigades are the same as they are dictated to ‘from-on-high’ and decisions are taken out of the hands of those at the sharp end.
I guess if we want to help out we will have to do so as individuals and not as a member of any government organisation. When people stop joining these organisations the leadership might get the message to change the way they do business.

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin