Bin Laden is dead!

Or so they tell us and we DO have to believe them; don’t we?
There has been much said and written since the “successful” raid by US Special Forces on the world’s leading terrorists hide out. We are lead to believe that terrorism has been dealt a mortal blow with the death of Bin Laden. But has it really?
What would happen if President Obama or Prime Minister Cameron were to pass from the scene? Would the war on “terror” cease forthwith? We know that it wouldn’t. The leaders are not important as there will be someone itching to step into their shoes.
Many deaths have been attributed to the Bin Laden organisation but do we ever consider how many deaths has been the responsibility of the ‘coalition of the willing’? The US embargo against Iraq caused the deaths of half a million children and many more deaths when invaded in 2003 and in Afghanistan we are continually hearing reports of the deaths of civilians by coalition actions.
If terrorists and terrorism was defined by the numbers of dead then the US and the UK would be far in front. But since it is the victors that write the history books we only consider one side of the equation. When will the public awaken and see who the real terrorists are?

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin