Bishop Morris warning

Bishop Morris of Toowoomba was dismissed from office because he questioned the authority of the “infallible” Pontifex Maximus (high priest) of the Roman Catholic Church. The Bishop will probably remain silent because his greatest fear will be excommunication and eternity in Hell.
Pontifex Maximus was a title for the high priest of the pagan Roman mystery religion and was enshrined within Julius Caesar in 63BC who became the priest king of the mystery religion passed down from ancient Babylon. During the time of Constantine the Great (4th century AD) he, as the pagan Pontifex Maximus, claimed to have seen a vision of the cross and the words; “Under this sign conquer”. He led his army into battle with soldiers carrying a giant cross.
As the new high priest of the “Christian church” Constantine (325AD) called the bishops to a conference to settle some disputes which had arisen. This resulted in the Nicene Creed. At this time in history, the bishop of Rome was not the Pontifex Maximus — the “infallible” Roman Catholic pope of today.  As time went on, the bishops of Rome increased their political power and historians tell us that Demasus was elected Pontifex Maximus (pope) about 378AD. The pagan mystery religion and the Roman “Christian” dogma were meshed into one to become the Roman Catholic Church.
In the dark ages people were kept in ignorance regarding what the Bible and Jesus taught. Today, there is a large number of sources available where you can establish Biblical facts in the language and context they were given. The Bishop Morris controversy should indicate to Catholics and others that salvation is not to be found in a church using priestcraft, false dogma and pagan ritual with a dictator as its high priest.
Jesus said: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32. The truth will lead to a personal faith in God and the Son, Jesus of Nazareth.

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin