Overcoming illegal migration

Our unelected opposition have been pushing hard through the National and State press to impress on us that they have been able, with their $21 million war chest, to educate Abbott to a point where he is acceptable as the Leader of Australia .
They have managed to upgrade his dress, the suit is a much more presentable cover than the budgie smugglers, he also seem to have had speech lessons he is not “Umming” as much as he did. But no matter what they do they can’t get away from the old saying “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear”.
Abbott has been advised to play with the Boat People problem as a way of attacking the Federal Labor Government.
We would all be aware that these people are coming from Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Pakistan, and Iran but no-one is prepared to ask the question as to why they are leaving their home countries.
The answer that should come to all minds is the attacks that “We” the United States, England, and Australia have made on their countries and the dreadful carnage we have inflicted on not only the infrastructure of these relatively poor countries but the sights that are present in every war area when powerful weapons are used on human beings. There is no doubt the answer to overcoming the illegal migration is to stop the wars we have drawn them into in their homelands.
This of course is not as easy as it sounds, the United States has made fighting wars a very profitable business for big business around the world, Obama may have genuinely believed he could get out of Afghanistan, but big business is well entrenched with the armed forces and they won’t give up the huge profits they are making.
The other problem the United States has is that they have nine per cent unemployment. Bringing tens of thousands of service people home will increase that percentage to something like 15 per cent.
Another real worry that many people in the United States have is what will happen to their lifestyle when tens of thousands of service people, many from the lower levels of Yankee society, who have been trained to fight and kill people without any real conscience, are let loose.
It has to be kept in mind that it was the Howard-led LNP that took us into this situation. Abbott, Hockey, and Scott agreed with Howard’s decision so it is now up to them to accept responsibility for most of the problem and help not hinder the efforts to overcome it.

G H Gilmour,