Most Catholics support Bishop Morris

In reply to Charles M Shann Free Times 26th May 2011.
Despite Charles being very well read, I hope he doesn’t consider the 99 per cent of Catholics in the Toowoomba Diocese who support Bishop Bill Morris as being stupid or illiterate.
Referring briefly to the scriptures, let us remember that almost 2000 years ago St Peter denied Christ. When Jesus was in hot water, big trouble shortly before he was crucified, Peter shouted “I don’t know the man” yet Peter was to become the first Pope. “Upon this soil I will build my church”.
How do Peter’s actions stack up against those of our Bishop who merely voiced an opinion?
There is so much corruption in the world. In business, politics, public service. The hierarchy of sport, by recipients of welfare, yet we see a very humble unselfish good man ostracised by the whim of a few.
Bill Morris will be written in history as a disgraced Bishop, a heretic. May those who have brought this terrible judgment on our Bishop remember the simple quote “Let he or she who has done no wrong cast the first stone”.

Frank Roche,