No quick fix

I hope Jay Nauss reads Charles Shann`s informative letter and exposure of their blatant mischievous untruths, no doubt gained on the internet put there by people like them to harm the Catholic church`s image.
Jay Nauss has a habit of quoting scriptures and the Bible out of context to support his vitriol arguments against the Catholic Church. His main aim seems to be to create a divide between Christians of the various denominations by his continual misquotations. We all have a conscience, and if we are truthful to ourselves, we know right from wrong.
The first Disciples were told something like “whatever you shall bind on earth, shall also be bound in heaven”. That authority is passed down to our present clergy. So if Bishop Morris disagrees with certain rulings, he should take it up with the Bishops forum where such matters can be debated on. There will be no quick fix.
Personally I believe Catholic priests should be allowed to marry. Some of the early Disciples were married, so there is a precedent. As for women priests, I see no precedent. However, it is up to our present Disciple to debate it at the special forums.
In the meantime, there is no harm done in harmonious debate.

Jack Clarke,