Eight mile intersection back in the news

I note this topic is back in the news and a lot of talk about flyovers etc, which seem very expensive and are only considered so traffic can keep moving, especially trucks. Given the current configuration has been in place for a long time and motorists still seem unable to get it right at times, what is wrong with a simple T junction controlled by lights?
There could still be slip lanes for traffic from Cunningham’s Gap to turn left to Warwick and from the Toowoomba end to turn left toward the Gap as well as a slip lane, as currently exists, for Warwick traffic to continue towards Toowoomba.
From what I understand, most accidents here seem to involve vehicles coming from Warwick and turning right towards the Gap or coming from Toowoomba towards Warwick. Either they are going too fast for the curve and roll over or plough through it, or the vehicle coming from Toowoomba does not stop and is hit by turning traffic that has a right of way.
While a set of lights may be considered an impediment to traffic flow – they have the benefit of being seen for miles and would be a direct control of traffic wishing to turn right towards the Gap and traffic from Toowoomba wishing to continue to Warwick.  Trucks and cars negotiate lights every day so it is something we are all familiar with. Lights may be old fashioned – but they work – particularly if people are unfamiliar with this junction.

This seems to me a much more effective solution and probably much less expensive than some of the schemes proposed.
Maurice Thomson,