Please continue your support of Carramar

Thank you for the opportunity to talk, through this publication, about Carramar and Villa Carramar. The Board of Carramar (Stanthorpe) Home for Senior Citizens Association, they and their families, friends and staff would like to thank the community of Stanthorpe and surrounds for their continued support of our facilities.
The brand new Villa Carramar is nearing its first anniversary so we thought it timely to reiterate that these two proud facilities for the elders of our community are built, operated and run by the community, for the community. We are a not–for-profit organisation but many people assume that we do make a profit for investors or that the government fully supports us. Not so!! We are subsidised by the government but also need to raise money from investment of bonds and donations to continue operation. The aged care business is very highly regulated and as such, demands a high standard. We undergo accreditation for each facility each year and it is imperative that we are successful in this.
The Board and Executive, headed by Mrs Val Taylor have put forward a submission for a capital grant under the Regional Development Australia Fund. If we are successful in this application we will be able to start building the Stage 2 of Villa Carramar. This will be a fabulous outcome as the residents and staff will be in the same campus. At a similar time we will be able to start the Independent Living Units on the land adjacent to Villa Carramar.
Our plans are to build 60 two- or three-bedroom units in a retirement village environment. There is already sufficient interest to build 20 duplex units initially, with the rest following when the first ones are purchased. Our plans are to have a community hall within the village and meal and laundry services will be offered to residents (from Villa Carramar). It is also intended to make room for residents to park caravans on site as more aged people are becoming “Grey Nomads” and will require some room for their vans to stay while they are home.
The existing Carramar on College Road will be very well utilised and serve the community through disability services and other needs to be determined at this stage.
Please continue to support us all in our efforts to serve our wonderful community. Your support is truly appreciated by all involved!!!
Barbara Marsden,