Thank you for your support

On behalf of Stanthorpe Little Theatre, I would like to thank everyone who attended our recent production of “The Cemetery Club”.
The public support and enthusiastic feedback let our hardworking team of volunteers know that community theatre is well and truly alive in the Granite Belt.
In April we installed much-needed and very welcome new heaters in the theatre and the success of this play has now covered our costs.
I’d also like to thank our sponsors: Greg Lanyon Financial Services for printing most of our promotional material, Robert Channon Wines for supplying bottles of wine for our raffles, Granite News Books & Stationery for ticket sales and Anderson’s Carpets for contributing to our set, to the coverage of our events given by our local newspaper, the Southern Free Times, and to our volunteer team who helped in all aspects of bringing the production from idea, to presentation, to cleaning up afterward. Well done to all involved, including our wonderful audiences.
The majority of our cast for The Cemetery Club had previously played small or supporting roles. Director Veronica Hammond’s faith in our ability to embrace the challenge of lead roles, along with her firm but gentle guidance, resulted in a journey of personal development, growing friendships, and downright fun for us all. Many thanks to Veronica. Her skills as a director are a real asset to our organisation.
There was a time before television and movies when live theatre (plays, operas and concerts) was the main media of the day, not only entertaining audiences, but also giving them insight into what it means to be human.
These days that arena is dominated by movies and massive special effects but live theatre still offers something we cannot get from movies: the very fact that it is live, and therefore immediate and intimate, which not only entertains, but inspires imagination.
Also, as a small town, we have the additional fun of often knowing the actors in their daily lives and then seeing them transform themselves into someone else!
This year the Stanthorpe Little Theatre has a full program – coming up is the panto “Captain Hook’s Revenge”, a musical “The Sentimental Bloke”, a Stanthorpe Divas concert and our annual Shakespeare Under the Stars, “The Comedy of Errors”, as well as continuing improvements to the theatre and plans for next year, including workshops.
Stanthorpe Little Theatre, as a venue and a troupe, is a valuable resource for our community and will only continue to thrive if new people show an interest and get involved, either on-stage or behind the scenes or as our audience. We welcome new members, new actors, new helpers and new theatre-goers. It’s fun and very rewarding. Try it. We think you’ll like it.
Teri Welles
Stanthorpe Little Theatre