Community support needed

The Slade Lives Again group is currently in the process of preparing a tender for the purchase of Slade. We have engaged with the council process and have been invited to present a tender to the council.
We believe that an effective tender needs to be supported by a comprehensive business plan. We have held discussions with three prospective consultancy groups, a team from University of Southern Queensland, an economic consultancy business in Brisbane and a team from economics and architecture backgrounds in Melbourne. All groups have experience with community ownership and management of land and buildings and all are interested in working with us. Estimates of cost and time involved received from these groups are in the range of $40,000 to $50,000 and three to four months.
We have begun raising funds and have raised sufficient money to initiate the consultancy process. We will be aiming to raise the balance of the funds needed through community fundraising, donations and government grants over the coming months.
The Slade Lives Again committee has had discussions and a meeting with a number of local businessmen and they have pledged to commit considerable expertise to the process of preparing a comprehensive business plan. A combination of consultancy expertise and local knowledge will form the basis of the business plan and tender document.
Committee members have had discussions with Regional Development Australia staff with regard to possible funding for the ongoing management and maintenance of the Slade Campus.
We have been informed that the organisation, which is one of the primary government funding providers, will support projects of this nature and RDA personnel will work with the group to prepare funding applications. A close association with the council will benefit any application and it is an excellent opportunity to bring considerable federal funding into the region.
The Slade Lives Again group is committed to a process of community engagement. This will include the development of a website, regular meetings with community groups, open days at Slade and listening posts in prominent places in the town. We are committed to maintaining community access to and control of this wonderful asset in the midst of our town.
The Slade site was originally purchased with money raised from the community and it is important that it remain in the community.
While we are engaged in a legally binding process with the council, we are concerned, as a result of recent activities, that the council may be considering options outside this process.   We aim to ensure the council remains committed to this process and that this important asset remains in community hands. We ask for community support in this endeavour.

Ian Perkins,

Slade Lives Again President