It’s time Tenterfield

It’s time Tenterfield. Whatever happened to the voice of the community! It is time to overcome our apathy, stand up for our rights and hold the council accountable to us as ratepayers. After all, to get elected, each of them won our vote by promising to faithfully represent us. Take the situation regarding fluoride. On several occasions, over many years, our community insisted that we were opposed to the fluoridation of the water supply. Consequently, the purity of our water was the envy of victims of fluoridation in other areas. In recent times, the council sold us out when it passed the issue of fluoridation over to the State Health Department of the previous State Government because councillors feared a backlash from the community. Now, the poisonous substance has been foisted on us by councillors, the majority of whom live out town and who will never have to drink town water. Recycling is another area of concern. There has not been enough information given to us, nor adequate time for full consultation. Ratepayers have two weeks to respond to a survey, but most are unaware that a committee of council went to Glen Innes and Quirindi to check their recycling management. My understanding is that Tenterfield waste is likely to be transported to Glen Innes at a cost unknown to us. This appears to be yet another “sell out” to Glen Innes. On the issue of Ronella Jerome’s respectful request that the council fly the Aboriginal flag together with the Australian flag; I am appalled that in 2011 our council would vote against this request, especially after telling her that this would not be a problem. Whatever happened to real leadership and the spirit of reconciliation! It is time for us to exercise “the power of the people.”

Gabriel Leis, Tenterfield