Political agenda

Bob Johnson (FT23/6/11) raises interesting issues in regard to the ban on live cattle exports and ties it in with our imports of products from countries that have atrocious working conditions and human rights issues. He asks the question why those who pressed for the ban on the live cattle export trade aren’t concerned about these issues. Bob is not the only one perplexed by what has happened and the hypocrisy of it all. There is a good reason why Four Corners (funded by the government) won’t do an expose on what happens in foreign countries as to trade issues. What people must understand is that there is a revolution taking place and it has been ongoing for a long time. As I see it, there is a plan to create chaos in Australia and out of that chaos the government of the day will proffer solutions which will, simply, take more control of society in every sphere.
We have seen our industries flee overseas because of government policies and our farmers are being driven from the land by those same governments that should be protecting our food sources and at the same time more people are being brought into the country. Any rational person who is observing these events would wonder why the rulers are so inept and stupid. On the contrary, they are smarter than we think. They know that what they want to change, they first must destroy, and the agenda is well advanced. Unless more people take notice of what is happening and act to counter the forces that are destroying us, then their revolution will be a success.
Jay Nauss, Glen Aplin