Perverting the truth

I have realised that some views can be regarded as too controversial and do not get into the public domain. However, when it comes to Christianity, do we want truth or do we want lies and deception?
The Biblical record of Jesus Christ’s virgin birth, his human yet divine life and his death, burial, resurrection and ascension are central to, and should remain central to, the Christian message.
Jesus’ words were often controversial to the many sectors of society which he confronted and to which He came to provide the way of salvation.
His words were heard and confirmed by eye witnesses including the apostles, God also confirming the apostles’ witness in miraculous ways Hebrews 2:v3,4.
Surely these words and sayings of Jesus should be given first place in our hearts and minds, and not be diminished or negated by sinful man no matter how religious.
If our doctrines are contrary to Jesus’ words then something has gone wrong.
If we do not accept Jesus Christ as the sufficient and only Saviour, then we have denied his word.
Jesus said He is the only door into the kingdom of heaven and, if we try any other way, we are thieves and robbers John 10:v1&9.
The rest of the New Testament highlights this truth that He is the only mediator between man and God to whom we go direct for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
Jesus reproved the religious leaders of his time, calling them hypocrites and, quoting the prophet Isaiah, said “….This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
“Howbeit, in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Mark 7:vs 6&7.
He also said they were making the Word of God of no effect through their tradition. If a church puts obstacles between mankind and Christ then it is perverting the truth.

Graeme Heal, Killarney