Deep concern about coal seam gas mining

In response to your front page story (Southern Free Times, August 4) regarding coal seam gas mining in the Warwick area, I would like to express my deep concern about this proposed activity.
Thank you for bringing awareness to the community and I would urge people to do some research on coal seam gas mining, speak to farmers that have already had dealings with these mining companies; farmers from Dalby, Tara and Chinchilla areas.
Once these mining companies are on the property it is too late. We cannot remain complacent about this as hydraulic fracturing, which is the method used to extract the gas, renders what were once healthy farmlands and healthy water systems into wastelands. There is plenty of evidence of this in America. Once again, thank you for printing these stories, the community must be made aware before it is too late.

Lexie Cairns, Warwick