Canberra under siege

By this time next week Canberra, Gillard and The Greens will be under siege.  There are quite a few reasons why Australians are up in arms.  However, the two things which finally drove them to direct action was the vegetarian shut-down of live exports and Gillard forcing a carbon tax on them and the failure of the independents to block it.
During my twenty plus years in The Greens, I proposed a participatory approach to achieving environmental outcomes, explaining that the legislative approach doesn’t work, in the first place and would only get the back up of the Australian people, in the second.  I also opposed the aligning of The Greens with the Labor Party.  I was mercilessly hounded by the communist/vegetarian/Christian clique which runs The Greens and is headed by Bob Brown. This clique is about as green as a bitumen road and a concrete car park put together!
The Labor Party is about to be totally decimated in all upcoming elections.  Hopefully no other states will earn the “rock ape state” title by electing the Liberals in their own right!  If The Greens stay aligned to Labor, it too, will be destroyed!  I call upon all fair dinkum greenies in The Greens to vote the current office holders, not only out of office, but out of the party!  Same goes for those commies which hold political office as Greens.  Anyone who has ever been in the party knows exactly who has to go!

Frank Brown