Dual citizenship should be announced

The Craig Johnson saga gets bigger all the time. It has now moved into the area of his New Zealand citizenship and if he ever renounced it before taking his seat in Parliament. As most would not know, it is unconstitutional to hold citizenship of a foreign country and sit in the Australian Parliament. It was just that ‘minor’ detail that saw Heather Hill (One Nation) who was elected to the Senate in 1998, denied her seat as a result of a High Court challenge to her dual citizenship.
PM Julia was born in the UK and it is unknown if she had renounced her British nationality before being elected to Parliament. The question has been asked outside Parliament but no satisfactory answer has ever been given. So, we know not, to this day, if she is sitting in Parliament illegally. There may be others in the same situation and if so, they are being mute on their nationality.
To set the record straight and to satisfy all, each Member of Parliament should have to declare whether or not they owe allegiance to a foreign power by being a citizen of that nation. If Tony was really serious about this matter, he would instigate an enquiry into all members of Parliament to determine their eligibility to be there.
Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin