Fabric of society falling apart

Who decides what’s right or wrong? Who sets the standard and makes the rules for our lives and for our society in the 21st century?
Do governments or authorities or even religious bodies take any notice these days of what Almighty God, our loving Creator says in his infallible Word, the Bible?
Life, relationships and families, as we have known and experienced them, are under threat. Abortion on demand, voluntary euthanasia, banning of corporal punishment, homosexual ‘marriage’, donor sperm and eggs, and surrogacy are issues being pushed and promoted as acceptable. Sadly the very fabric of our society is quickly falling apart.
It’s time for the silent majority to stand up and be counted – on the side of godliness, the Bible, truth, decency, wholesomeness and the defenceless. The vocal minority cannot be allowed to prevail because of our timid silence.
If Aussies think they can make their own rules to please themselves and satisfy their own selfish lifestyles, we will continue to slide downhill to disaster. The moral, spiritual and societal damage will be catastrophic. What legacy do we want to pass on to our children and grandchildren?
God the Creator made mankind to please Him and do His will, which would result in blessing and fulfilment. He created Adam and Eve, a man and a woman, to complement each other and propagate the human race. The Creator united them mentally, emotionally and sexually in the covenant and commitment of marriage which he blessed (Ge.1:27, 28; 2:24).
Sadly there are at least 100,000 abortions a year in Australia. But God says ‘You shall not murder’ (EX.20:13). Often the lifestyle and convenience of the parents is more important than the rights of the defenceless, unborn child who is an individual human being from conception (Psalm51:5).
At the opposite end of life, voluntary euthanasia or ‘mercy killing’ is being promoted as a desirable, dignified exit from pain, suffering and dependence. Regrettably, humans have become used to asserting their rights and making their own decisions without reference to the Almighty Creator.
Our Maker, God, gives life, sustains it and takes it (Job 1:21). We will all be accountable on Judgement Day if we hijack God’s authority and rights over us, his crowning creation. Our loving Creator always does what is best for us as we yield to His will (Rom.8:28).
We are all sinners in rebellion against God and His infallible word, the Bible. But we can be forgiven and reconciled to Him when we repent of our sins – becoming His children by faith in Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. Then we will be content and fulfilled in life from beginning to end (Jn.10:10) in spite of the problems and struggles.
God makes the rules and we are blessed when we follow them in love and obedience!

Peter Wiggins,