Carbon tax debate rages

The debate in Parliament is raging over the passage of the carbon tax. Most will not be aware that submissions concerning the tax have to be in by September 22; hardly enough time for anyone to get their wits together to protest the tax.
This tax is being rushed through in haste with little concern for the long-term effects it will have on the economy and on everyone’s cost of living. It isn’t even based on sound scientific evidence but on suppositions that have long been proven to be false.
Nevertheless, the Gillard regime is adamant that it must be implemented. We have to ask, why? Perhaps it is because the mad spenders since 2007 have left the treasury bare of money so now they have to get billions to replace that which they foolishly squandered.
Then there is the “small” matter of Greg Combet promising $10 billion to the UN to assist third world countries while our own people go begging.
How much longer do we have to endure the misadministration of this lot?

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin