Christ taken out of National Curriculum

The new National Curriculum will be adopted in our schools from 2013. Those responsible have decided that the age-old system of dating events will be changed. The birth of Our Lord is the pivotal point of history, but in the new Curriculum events will no longer be BC – Before Christ, and AD – Anno Domini, the Year of our Lord.  They will be BCE – Before Common Era, and CE – Common Era.
The use of BC and AD in our dating system acknowledges the historical importance of the birth of Jesus Christ. It reflects the cultural basis of Christianity in the West, a heritage upon which Australia has been built, and from which it continues to benefit.
Those at present in power cannot obliterate the Christian heritage of this country but they are certainly doing their best to sideline it and downplay it. The public education system is a prime target. This is another attempt to take Christ out of our schools and further destroy our children’s cultural heritage.
If enough people are distressed and outraged by the planned change and make their views known in no uncertain terms to those in power, it is still possible to prevent this taking place. Votes do count.

Rowan Shann,