Newman visits

Stanthorpe experienced a visit from Premier-in-waiting, Campbell Newman, on September 22. He was entertained by a gala dinner attended by some 200 people that came to hear his vision for the State after he “wins” Premiership at the next election.
Campbell speaks well and has a good handle on the State’s problems. He says he would like to reduce bureaucracy, red tape, get government out of the lives of citizens, hand more decision making powers back to local councils, protect prime farm land, get infrastructure projects moving and restore Queensland to the great place it once was.
Mr Newman didn’t say anything that couldn’t have been said by former leaders and the current leader of the LNP. In fact, we have heard most of it before. Many Queenslanders are looking for a “messiah” to lead the state out of its present dilemmas. Campbell would have to be better than Anna, whose time has come to go, but let’s not pin too much hope on this latest “messiah”. Why it was necessary to go outside Parliament to find a wannabe new “Premier” is a mystery yet to be revealed.
Many would wish Campbell well but there is the small matter of having to win the seat of Ashgrove in order to wear the Premier’s hat. Maybe there is another plan, yet to be revealed, that will see Campbell assured of a seat in the next Parliament.

Jay Nauss,
Glen Apli