Usurious bankruptcy

Usury, according to my Little Oxford Dictionary, is “lending of money at an exorbent or illegal rate of interest”.
Throughout history, economics have ebbed and flowed, much as the tides of the seashore, from the depths of degradation of wars and pestilence to shimmering heights of prosperity and advancement, as evidenced by the Egyptian, Ancient Greek and Roman Empires. Evidence indicates that they crumbled from within, with inflation as a factor caused by the misuse of currency by speculators and usurers.
References condemning usury can be found in the Old Testament in Leviticus 25:36; Exodus 22:25, etc.
The crippling taxes in the 12th century were taxing English people out of their homes as in Australia today and, with Church leadership and some Christian barons, Canon Law became the law of the land, Magna Carta was signed at Runnymede on June 15 1215, for debt cancellation after seven years.
If there is such a thing as a global economy, why doesn’t it influence a simple Magna Carta solution, and also stop the humbug of encouraging politicians to become gods and goddesses to correct creations misadventure, by calling for further impoverishment by a carbon tax. C’mon, pull the other leg, it rattles.

Jim Shanks