More Diggers killed

It is one thing to die in battle against a defined enemy but when the fatalities occur at the hands of one that is supposed to be on your side, it is a different matter.
The recent killing (call it murder) by an Afghan soldier dressed in the uniform of the Afghan national army, of three Aussie diggers, is another matter. These incidents are becoming all too familiar in this no-win war that has been dragging on for ten years.
Kabul recently saw an attack by a suicide bomber that left 13 Americans dead. The Taliban are able to strike at will; at any time and place.
All that is being accomplished by Australia’s involvement in Afghanistan is to provide photo opportunities for the PM and Leader of the Opposition at the funerals of the slain diggers.
Military success in Afghanistan will not be achieved at any cost and it is time Australia brought the troops home before more needlessly die for a cause that is not worth fighting and dying for.
If the Karzi regime can’t defend their own country against the Taliban, then they have no right to expect others to do the bleeding and dying for them.

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin