Dobbing in litterers

Premier Anna’s gang has decided to pass legislation to enable people to ‘dob’ in those tossing rubbish from vehicles or dropping off large items along the roads. All that will be necessary is for citizens to give the vehicle number to the authorities and the offenders will get an on-the-spot fine in the post or a visit from the police.
The idea might appeal to many because it is hard to defend someone deliberately littering.
Years ago we were encouraged to ‘dob’ in a vehicle that was emitting large amounts of smoke. That idea soon fizzled as it wasn’t supported by the public.
We are being encouraged to become a nation of dobbers. What next will be targeted by those encouraging snitching on fellow citizens? Folks might recall that in the Communist nations, dobbing in a neighbour for saying the wrong word was enough to get one hauled off to the Gulag. Are we going down the slippery path of becoming a ‘dob’ in society?
What ever happened to being able to face one’s accusers in court or in the mouth of two or more witnesses let the truth be established?
How many will fall for this piece of social engineering and walk blindly into this latest round of manipulation?
Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin