In response

I find it difficult to let the letter by David Stewart (Free Times, 17/11), pass without some comment.
I happen to be a scientist of over fifty years’ experience, as is Viv Forbes (Free Times 10/11,) and we both, along with most scientists not dependant on government grants, know that the popular ‘climate science’ of the UN is seriously flawed. There is not a single scientist of my acquaintance who believes that the climate is controlled by Carbon Dioxide, the reason given for a Carbon Dioxide tax.
Those respected and know-ledgeable people who wish to speak against the fallacy are generally not allowed to speak to a wide audience. David Bellamy, a world renowned ecologist, cannot obtain media time since he spoke out against the UN sponsored scare campaign. Lord Monkton had eight venues where he was planning to speak in Australia cancelled following a campaign by a group called Getup.  Many of us will never again support the Broncos League Club, one of the venues where his presentation was cancelled. If the ‘science’ was settled, why is it necessary to muzzle people, often of greater international standing than the UN ‘scientists’? Is it because of freedom of speech?
It was suggested about thirty years ago, that the dependence of scientists on government grants would carry with it a requirement, even unsaid, that the results of research would be what was wanted by the government. This seems to have come about. Free science may not be allowed if it disagrees with government policy.
The suggestion that one takes into account the cost to the environment of using fossil fuels seems to be similar to the type of statements made about the Barrier Reef. Any scientist, and anyone who thinks, knows that, if the temperature gets warmer, the reef will move south. Reefs have been present in Moreton Bay in the recent past. If it gets colder, the reefs will migrate north. Simple common sense is all that is required. Simple common sense seems to be missing in much of the ‘global warming’ discussion.  In 1985, it was published that the low lying suburbs of Brisbane would be flooded by rising sea level by the year 2000. Project the accuracy of that to projections of global temperatures fifty years in the future and let common sense give the answer.

G P McDonagh,