Respect our elders

Ever since this writer was awoken from my trusting slumber by the opinion of a team of amateurs in the business of mental health, the fire in Sydney burning alive elderly residents has been too horrible to contemplate. This is after all Australia, this is our home, our sanctuary, a safe place to be, with laws enshrined into the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia to protect us from the excesses of tyranny. There was out there the odd bewildering event that caused concern, however that was before growing old was considered a crime. With horrifying regularity the aged are the targets of the self serving, and the heartless and useless bureaucrats well paid to protect and nurture them, have written them off.
The fire in Sydney has opened up a traumatic and fearful fate that is possible when the very vulnerable are exposed to brutality on a par with 9/11. This writer is witnessing the ongoing trauma of victims of lies as they struggle to have their medical records corrected, to give them their stolen powers back. Mr Katter, Mr Campbell Newman, Ms Bligh and whoever else seeks power in the upcoming election hear our pleas. Clean out the amateurs, the lazy and the laws that so discriminate against the elderly. These marvellous pioneers would have no idea of a blue book containing 348 pages that is as amateurish as it is dangerous, titles ‘Queensland Mental Health Act 2000’. One size can be made to fit every circumstance, but in reality no two people are the same.
Melba Morris,