Vaccinate or else

No sooner had Parliament gone into recess for Christmas when Nicola Roxon (Health Minister) announced that parents, who didn’t get their children vaccinated with the prescribed vaccines, would lose $2100 from their family payments. This is a most extraordinary bribe or penalty.
I would like to know if the Government is going to guarantee that no one will be adversely affected by the vaccinations. And if anyone is affected, will the government come good with compensation to the parents?
I have known children who had their lives ruined when they had reactions to vaccines.
As we rush further and further into the big brother totalitarian state, more and more things are being mandated by government that was once left to the decision of individuals.
When is this big brotherism going to stop? What will Tony say about this latest round of socialist: one size fits all, directive from on high? As a former health minister, he probably will nod in silent agreement with Nicola’s latest pronouncement.
This might be another issue that Katter would like to take on and maybe Campbell Newman will have something to say about this loss of personal choice. I don’t expect much from that quarter either, as Anna got away with putting fluoride in Queensland’s water.

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin