Key concern

Some times I wonder if our leaders ever research, or even stop to think, before they initiate an action.
Now I would have nothing against the concept of locking the Waste Transfer Centres or supply of keys to residents if it wasn’t a proven waste of time, effort and money.
The Northern Rivers of NSW (The Channon) has already been down that road. Locals soon made copies of the keys for distribution to friends; the ‘Tips’ were as bad as ever, and those reproduced keys cost nowhere near our Council’s $17. Then there are those who, having no key, or just forgot it, ‘Toss it over the fence for the Council to clean up’.
Most, if not all, of the illegal dumping is occasioned by those who are entitled to be future key holders so I can’t see how it would change a thing.
Cameras to catch the guilty, especially if hidden and mobile, sounds the best idea, but that could eventually lead to illegal roadside dumping, as some now do with tyres. Imbuing civic pride? Nice idea but some people are impervious. So back to actually catching, then fining heavily, with public naming of the guilty.
But no more hare brained, unresearched knee jerk responses activated by it being an answer at the lowest cost, with the least intellectual effort please.

Tom Edgar,
Glen Aplin