Dire predictions of warming

Global warming has taken on the appearance of a secular religion. Leslie Hughes, from the climate change house, is assuming the role of a ‘prophet’. She is adamant that in the next 90 years we are going to see near catastrophe striking the aged and diseases running rampant; all caused by global warming.
The new god that is being promoted is the computer modeling. We are meant to accept, without question, everything that the computer speaks.
The nineteenth century saw the rise of many ‘prophets’ and new religions that are with us still. However, inconveniently, some of the predictions these enlightened ones made didn’t come to pass.
In these new ‘enlightened’ times we have the force of government commanding us to believe all we are being told by the warmist gurus whose statements we are to accept without question.
But what should we do if their predictions fail to come to pass? Invite them to a rock party.
There are truck loads of money riding on the carbon taxes that have been put in place to save our ‘souls’. To question the gurus is becoming akin to blasphemy and some of us may face dire consequence for being heretics; perhaps the non-conformist will suffer the heat.

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin